I’ve been into reading books that are adapted to the screen, so when The Perfect Couple was turned into a Netflix series, I jumped on it.

Let’s begin with the casting choices. First, Nicole Kidman as Greer, sublime!! Live Shriver as Tag, ok I could see it. Dakota Fanning as Abby, I can cosign that choice. After that, the rest of the casting was a hot mess, in my opinion. The actor who played Benji, I mean really? That peroxide blonde and fake tan, they should’ve just casted an Humppa Lumppa. Adding a 3rd son was unnecessary and so was Greer’s brother. Changing the Greek detective to a woman, was a big miss for me. No not because it was a woman, it was because of they way the character was portrayed in the book. The character is supposed to be easy on the his charisma The event planner I just didn’t buy. Isabelle being French and not English, no thanks. Clearly, I was not happy since the start.
Without spoiling things for those that still want to either read the book and /or the series, the story itself was not what I was expecting. Granted, there will always be differences, but this was such a deviation from the book, that I just couldn’t get passed it. For me, the clever bit about the book was the ending and that moment when Greer figured it out. Same thing happens, however, SPOILER ALERT instead of being an accident it was changed to a murder. Making the series just another story about a rich family getting away with nefarious things type of story. Very basic.
In the end the only thing I really enjoyed was the location and there wasn’t enough of it. Too many differences from the book left me, blah. And for that this book only gets 3 martinis/5.